Diccionario de la Internerd
Uno de repente como que se pierde con todo esto de la web....oiga.....En especial, aquellas abreviaciones, que los pergenidos mas chicos usan para jugar en línea, bloggear, para el msn y todo lo que implique escribir rápido y en código para no perder tiempo. (una especia de "xctm ls krkls" de Entel PCS, cuando era mensaje XAT).
Así expresiones como lol, WTF, AFK y muchas más debiesen sernos más familiares cada vez; es por esto y en forma totalmente gratuita, para toda la manada de burros (en forma especial para los más computines) les dejo y con SCROLL el diccionario-no-ilustrado que debes conocer:
BCNU be seeing you BTW by the way BYE? are you ready to unlink? (this is the standard way to end a talk-mode conversation; the other person types `BYE' to confirm, or else continues the conversation) CUL see you later ENQ? are you busy? (expects `ACK' or `NAK' in return) FOO? are you there? (often used on unexpected links, meaning also "Sorry if I butted in ..." (linker) or "What's up?" (linkee)) FWIW for what it's worth FYI for your information FYA for your amusement GA go ahead (used when two people have tried to type simultaneously; this cedes the right to type to the other) GRMBL grumble (expresses disquiet or disagreement) HELLOP hello? (an instance of the `-P' convention) JAM just a minute (equivalent to `SEC....') MIN same as `JAM' NIL no (see NIL) O over to you OO over and out / another form of "over to you" (from x/y as "x over y") lambda (used in discussing LISPy things) OBTW oh, by the way R U THERE? are you there? SEC wait a second (sometimes written `SEC...') T yes (see the main entry for T) TNX thanks TNX 1.0E6 thanks a million (humorous) TNXE6 another form of "thanks a million" WRT with regard to, or with respect to. WTF the universal interrogative particle; WTF knows what it means? WTH what the hell? When the typing party has finished, he/she types two newlines to signal that he/she is done; this leaves a blank line between `speeches' in the conversation, making it easier to reread the preceding text. : When three or more terminals are linked, it is conventional for each typist to prepend his/her login name or handle and a colon (or a hyphen) to each line to indicate who is typing (some conferencing facilities do this automatically). The login name is often shortened to a unique prefix (possibly a single letter) during a very long conversation. /\/\/ A giggle or chuckle. On a MUD, this usually means `earthquake < g > grin < gr&d > grinning, running, and ducking BBL be back later BRB be right back HHOJ ha ha only joking HHOK ha ha only kidding HHOS ha ha only serious IMHO in my humble opinion (see IMHO) LOL laughing out loud NHOH Never Heard of Him/Her (often used in initgame) ROTF rolling on the floor ROTFL rolling on the floor laughing AFK away from keyboard b4 before CU l8tr see you later MORF male or female? TTFN ta-ta for now TTYL talk to you later OIC oh, I see rehi hello again CU l8er see you later (mutant of `CU l8tr') FOAD fuck off and die (use of this is generally OTT) OTT over the top (excessive, uncalled for) ppl abbrev for "people" THX thanks (mutant of `TNX'; clearly this comes in batches of 1138 (the Lucasian K)). UOK? are you OK? |
At 10:53 a. m., odioso said…
jajaj...puta el gringo chanta
At 11:30 a. m., farra said…
noooooooooooo la publicidad invade los blogs.....malditos cerdos capitalistas
At 11:22 a. m., Anónimo said…
What the fuck
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